Virginia Avenue Baptist Church first began as a mission of the First Baptist Church of Bartlesville in 1909. Two years later in 1911 it became a church with five charter members.
From a small beginning there was wonderful growth. The first church building was a small white frame building. A tabernacle followed along with a red brick building that was built in 1929. A red brick sanctuary was constructed in the late 1950’s. In 1953 a three-story education building was built followed by a new worship center in 1958.
These facilities served the needs of the church until a tornado damaged the education building and destroyed the sanctuary on March 15, 1982. Led by pastor Ralph Dershem, the church built a new sanctuary while repairing the education building.
These facilities are still being used to the glory of God today. The current pastor is Wallace Thames who has been the pastor since July 2006.